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Analysis of Petro Rabigh share price
Analysis of Petro Rabigh share price

The price of Petro Rabigh’s share has recorded an increase in its price in a short time, with the share price maintaining an average of 20 and 50 days, and it still maintains its upward trend. In 2021, Petro Rabigh’s share was able to achieve profits in the first quarter of the year and achieved profits in The second quarter of the same year, so the losses were small when compared to the losses incurred last year.
تحليل سهم بترورابغ
As for the reports prepared by analysts, it was clear that there was a significant improvement in the share price with high price stability, which makes trading on it a unique opportunity to achieve profit, as the company has its name in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially after it entered into a partnership with the two largest companies in the field of oil, which increased the value of... The company's shares increased significantly.

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