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Та й весілля. Найшла, що шукала.
Keyboard macros are powerful applications that help to simplify working with the keyboard. The user can define a complex or simple routine that can be executed by a single key or by several keys. Macros allow the user to define a key combination that will execute a predefined command.
Kion is a comprehensive multi-platform, fast, easy to use program for recording and editing macros. It can be run on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and also iOS. It supports all major keyboard standard layouts and is compatible with most non-standard keyboards. This program will even detect your Apple keyboard layout for you.
Actions can be triggered asynchronously, the same way as a script.
Before using Kion, make sure to read the instructions included in the Kion Manual.
Animated arrow keys and easy to follow prompts make it a joy to use. New features include Shift, Alt and Control key capabilities to navigate and edit macros.
Supported keystrokes
ALT+a toggles the current selection state in a menu bar.
ALT+q toggles the current macro state in a menu bar.
ALT+i toggles keyboard initialization.
ALT+s toggles the status bar.
ALT+o toggles the recording status in a menu bar.
ALT+v toggles the selection history in a menu bar.
ALT+g toggles the groups in a menu bar.
ALT+w toggles the customization in a menu bar.
ALT+f toggles the advanced command history in a menu bar.
ALT+h toggles the general command history in a menu bar.
ALT+j toggles the running command history in a menu bar.
Alt+a toggles the selection state in a menu bar.
Alt+c toggles the group state in a menu bar.
Alt+d toggles the customization state in a menu bar.
Alt+e toggles the command history state in a menu bar.
Alt+f toggles the text history state in a menu bar.
Alt+g toggles the general command history state in a menu bar.
Alt+h toggles the running command history state in a menu bar.
Alt+j toggles the text state in a menu bar.
Alt+k toggles the selected macro state in a menu bar.
Alt+l toggles the last macro state in a menu bar.
Alt+m toggles the running macro state in a menu bar.
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Mensagem neste Tópico
RE: Та й весілля. Найшла, що шукала. - por EdwardDinly - 05-30-2022, 03:31 AM

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