05-30-2022, 02:08 AM
• Voyager can manage multiple areas at once.
• Drag and drop the KML file to Google Earth.
• Specify coordinates for a single or multiple areas.
• Define the area's width, height, zoom altitude and refresh time.
• Add coordinates for scattered points.
• Create snapshots.
• Start the program.
• Use the help to learn more.Image: X-ray/SOLOX/SOLOX/Janice Lim/AGU.
While 2015 marked a series of important advances in global climate change, 2016 could well be the year we experience the ‘tipping point’ for climate change. But we’re unlikely to know for sure if it has happened until the data is in.
It may feel a little early to be thinking about the tipping point for climate change, but this year is important for two reasons. The first is that, as the chart above shows, 2015 was an extremely warm year. On average, the global temperature last year was about 0.6°C above the 20th-century average. If 2016 follows the same trajectory as 2015, then 2016 could well be the warmest year on record.
The second reason is that in the last few years, the world’s climate communities have become more aware of the likelihood of tipping points and of the processes which cause them. This awareness has led to a lot of debate about how we might respond to such events and to the assessment of how close we are to crossing thresholds into runaway climate change.
A new study published this week in Science Advances looks at one of the first tipping point events to have occurred: the disappearance of Arctic sea ice. The study was led by Dr Robert Watson at the British Antarctic Survey and Professor Andrew Shepherd from the University of Leeds.
Image: Sipos et al.
The authors argue that this is the kind of tipping point that happened around 8,000 years ago. The last time ice-free Arctic summers occurred in the Northern Hemisphere was approximately 7,700 years ago, but since that time ice-free summers have occurred for most of the time, with the last sea ice-free summer around 1,200 years ago.
The events that led to this dramatic change were also followed by events in the Arctic Ocean that played a key role in releasing methane from the sea floor, eventually leading to a warming climate system. This methane build-up is thought to have been the trigger for 70238732e0 dayabal
http://www.hausbautraum.de/gaestebuch.php https://indianscanada.com/torrent-sisi-m...-pro-free/ http://www.pfht.org/advert/torrent-quick...ws-nulled/ https://biodiversidad.gt/portal/checklis...p?clid=485 http://www.yo.rim.or.jp/~t_ktmr/cgi-bin/.../yybbs.cgi
• Drag and drop the KML file to Google Earth.
• Specify coordinates for a single or multiple areas.
• Define the area's width, height, zoom altitude and refresh time.
• Add coordinates for scattered points.
• Create snapshots.
• Start the program.
• Use the help to learn more.Image: X-ray/SOLOX/SOLOX/Janice Lim/AGU.
While 2015 marked a series of important advances in global climate change, 2016 could well be the year we experience the ‘tipping point’ for climate change. But we’re unlikely to know for sure if it has happened until the data is in.
It may feel a little early to be thinking about the tipping point for climate change, but this year is important for two reasons. The first is that, as the chart above shows, 2015 was an extremely warm year. On average, the global temperature last year was about 0.6°C above the 20th-century average. If 2016 follows the same trajectory as 2015, then 2016 could well be the warmest year on record.
The second reason is that in the last few years, the world’s climate communities have become more aware of the likelihood of tipping points and of the processes which cause them. This awareness has led to a lot of debate about how we might respond to such events and to the assessment of how close we are to crossing thresholds into runaway climate change.
A new study published this week in Science Advances looks at one of the first tipping point events to have occurred: the disappearance of Arctic sea ice. The study was led by Dr Robert Watson at the British Antarctic Survey and Professor Andrew Shepherd from the University of Leeds.
Image: Sipos et al.
The authors argue that this is the kind of tipping point that happened around 8,000 years ago. The last time ice-free Arctic summers occurred in the Northern Hemisphere was approximately 7,700 years ago, but since that time ice-free summers have occurred for most of the time, with the last sea ice-free summer around 1,200 years ago.
The events that led to this dramatic change were also followed by events in the Arctic Ocean that played a key role in releasing methane from the sea floor, eventually leading to a warming climate system. This methane build-up is thought to have been the trigger for 70238732e0 dayabal
http://www.hausbautraum.de/gaestebuch.php https://indianscanada.com/torrent-sisi-m...-pro-free/ http://www.pfht.org/advert/torrent-quick...ws-nulled/ https://biodiversidad.gt/portal/checklis...p?clid=485 http://www.yo.rim.or.jp/~t_ktmr/cgi-bin/.../yybbs.cgi
Vivid WorkshopData ATI 12.1 3.18 19 https://trello.com/c/f2gkXI2I/16-descarg...-02-rm-693